You will have dir ec t access to BIOS setup without typing any password after s ys tem reboot once
the pas swor d is disabled.
Onc e the password feature is used, you will be requested to type the password each time you
enter B IOS setup. This will prevent unauthorized pers ons from changing your system
Also, the feature is capable of requesting users to enter the password prior to s ys tem boot to
control unauthorized access to your com puter. Users may enable the feature in Security Option
of Advanced B IOS Features . If Security Option is set to System, you will be requested to enter
the pas swor d before system boot and when entering BIOS setup; if Security Option is set to
Setup, you will be reques ted for pass word for entering BIOS setup.
3.8 Save and Ex
st Sett
Advanced Chipset Settings
Configure North Bridge
Select Screen
Select Item
Enter Go to sub screen
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
WARNING: Setting wrong values in below
may cause system to malfunction
North Brid ge Configu ration
South Bridge Configuration
Copyright 1985-2006 American Mega trends , Inc.
Note: Due to limited address length of BIOS, only a portion of panel parameters are listed in
BIOS Setup. If the connected panel is not included in the parameter list, display
problem will occur. In this c ase, Please do not change BIOS setup.