USB_VCC (+5V level
standby power)
USB_VCC (+5V level standby
3.2.10 COM7~COM8 Serial Port Connector
The system has eight serial ports. COM3~COM4 are RS-232 ports.
Before using RS-422/485, please do set the Transfer Protocol as 8-N-2, detail
description is “Data 8bit, parity 1bit[no parity], stop bit 2bit”. Or user can set the
parity bit as Odd Parity Check or Even Parity Check, and stop bit as 1bit.
Note: Please do install the Serial Port Patch “NuvSerial v1.0.2011.1109(WHQL)”.
3.2.11 USB 3.0 Connector
The Universal Serial Bus connectors are compliant with USB 2.0 (480Mbps), and
ideally for installing USB peripherals such as keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.