3.2.8 COM3~COM4 Serial Port Connector
The system has eight serial ports. COM3~COM4 are RS-232 ports.
Before using RS-422/485, please have to set the Transfer Protocol as 8-N-2 (Data
8bit, parity 1bit[no parity], stop bit 2bit). Or user can set the parity bit as Odd Parity
Check or Even Parity Check, and stop bit as 1bit.
Note: Please do install the Serial Port Patch “NuvSerial v1.0.2011.1109(WHQL)”.
3.2.9 COM5~COM6 Serial Port Connector
The system has eight serial ports. COM3~COM4 are RS-232 ports.
Before using RS-422/485, please have to set the Transfer Protocol as 8-N-2 (Data
8bit, parity 1bit[no parity], stop bit 2bit). Or user can set the parity bit as Odd Parity
Check or Even Parity Check, and stop bit as 1bit.
Note: Please do install the Serial Port Patch “NuvSerial v1.0.2011.1109(WHQL)”.