SafeStream Gigabit Broadband VPN Router User GuideTL-R600VPN
Figure 4-27
¾ Management Rules - Here displays the management rules
• All the PCs on the LAN are allowed to access the router’s Web-Based Utility: This
rule determines that all the PCs connected to the router can visit the router’s Web-Based
• Only the PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator
tasks: This rule determines that only the specified LAN PCs can visit the Web-Based
Utility to configure the router.
To add a PC to the management list:
Step 1: Select the option of Only the PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to
perform Administrator tasks.
Step 2: Enter the PC’s MAC address in the MAC1/2/3/4 field or click the Add button to add your
PC’s MAC Address to the list.
Step 3: Click the Save button.
4.7 Access Control
Choose menu Access Control, the next submenus are shown below.
Figure 4-28
Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function. The detailed
explanations for each submenu are provided below.
4.7.1 Rule
Choose menu Access Control →Rule, you can configure the Internet Access Control to manage
Internet activities from LAN hosts in the next screen (shown in Figure 4-29).