SafeStream Gigabit Broadband VPN Router User GuideTL-R600VPN
Step 2: Select the application you want from the “Common Applications”, then the Trigger port
and Incoming ports will be added to the corresponding field automatically, you only need
to configure the Trigger protocol and Incoming Protocol for the entry; If the “Common
Applications” does not contain the applications that you want, please configure these
options manually.
Figure 4-21
Step 3: After that, select Enabled to make the entry take effect.
Step 4: Click Save button to save the configuration.
1) If you want to add more than one reserved IP, please go to step 1 to continue.
2) When the trigger connection is released, the according opening ports will be closed.
3) Each rule allowed to be used only by one host on LAN synchronously. The trigger
connection of other hosts on LAN will be refused.
4) Incoming Port Range cannot overlap each other.
Other configurations for the entries as shown in Figure 4-20:
Click the Delete button to delete the entry.
Click the Enable All button to enable all the entries.
Click the Disable All button to disable all the entries.
Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries.
Click the Previous button to view the information in the previous screen, click the Next button to
view the information in the next screen.
4.5.3 DMZ
Choose menu “Forwarding→DMZ”, you can view and configure DMZ host in the screen (shown
in Figure 4-22).
The DMZ host feature allows one local host to be exposed to the Internet for a special-purpose
service such as Internet gaming or videoconferencing. DMZ host forwards all the ports at the