76-110-0887/0, Issue 1
4. Type cs, the code for the Call screen feature, followed by
5. Place the cursor on the button you want to program as a Mes-
sage monitoring button.
6. Type mm, the code for the Message monitoring feature, followed
A message monitoring button may only be
defined on speakerphone sets.
7. Press the [Save] icon to save your map and button assignments
after completion of all [CALL RECORD], [CALL SCREEN] and
[MESSAGE MONITORING] button programming.
The program downloads the data and all associated stations are
All telephone sets defined to have this map number will now have
MONITORING] buttons, in the positions defined above.
To view the various station map numbers and types currently
• Press [F3] while on the Station Definition Screen.
The screen displays a listing of the map numbers with associated
station type and station DNs.
To copy a map definition to or from another map:
1. Press the [Transfer Units] icon, while on the Programmable
Keys Screen, to begin the copy procedure.
The program prompts:
Copy map To or From?
2. Enter t or f as appropriate.
The program prompts:
Enter map number to copy to (or from)
3. Enter the appropriate map number.
4. Enter the map number,
Type def for a default map.
5. Press ENTER.
The map definition is copied;
If there is no default map for the type you have entered, the pro-
gram gives you an error message.
6. Press the [Save] icon to save your map and button assignments.
The program downloads the data and all associated stations are