10 | Terminology
10BaseT - Physical Layer Specification for Twisted-Pair Ethernet using Unshielded Twisted Pair wire at
0Mbps. This is the most popular type of LAN cable used today because it is very cheap and easy to
gth span of up to 100 meters. There are two versions,
come in 5 different categories. However, only 3 are normally used in LANs,
Category 3, 4 and 5. CAT 3 TP (Twisted Pair) cable has a network data transfer rate of up to 10Mbps.
ble has a network data
install. It uses RJ-45 connectors and has a cable len
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) which is more expensive and UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair), the most
popular cable. These cables
CAT 4 TP cable has a network data transfer rate of up to 16Mbps. CAT 5 TP ca
transfer rate of up to 100Mbps.
Access Point - A device that is able to receive wireless signals and transmit them to the wired
network, and vice versa - thereby creating a connection between the wireless and wired networks.
Ad Hoc - An ad hoc wireless LAN is a group of computers, each with LAN adapters, connected as an
independent wireless LAN.
Adapter - A device used to connect end-user nodes to the network; each contains an interface to a specific
etc. type of computer or system bus, e.g. EISA, ISA, PCI, PCMCIA, CardBus,
Auto-Negotiation - A signaling method that allows each node to define its operational mode (e.g., 10/100
Mbps and half/full duplex) and to detect the operational mode of the adjacent node.
Backbone - The core infrastructure of a network. The portion of the network that transports information
from one central location to another central location where it is unloaded onto a local system.
Base Station - In mobile telecommunications, a base station is the central radio transmitter/receiver that
urn is
maintains communications with the mobile radiotelephone sets within its range. In cellular and perso
communications applications, each cell or micro-cell has its own base station; each base station in t
interconnected with other cells' bases.
Bitmap – A Windows and OS/2 bitmapped graphics file format. Bitmap files provide formats for 2, 16,
256, or 16 million colors. It uses the extension .BMP.
BSS - BSS stands for "Basic Service Set". It is an Access Point and all the LAN PCs that are
associated with it.
CHAP - When authenticating using Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP), the knowledge
nt. With CHAP, the Broadband
s the challenge string and the
of the password, rather than the password itself is what is sent by the c
te client useRouter sends the remote client a challenge string. The remo
password, and creates a Message Digest-5 (MD5) hash which is then forwarded to the server. The se
ompares the result with the hash sent by the client. If they mcomputes the same hash calculation and c
the remote client is considered an authentic
C - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
DES - Data Encryption Standard. A cryptographic encryption algorithm that is part of many
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol automatically configures the TCP/IP
settings of every computer on your home network.