Now select Change... from within the LPR Printer Selection section
Select the printer that is attached to the printer server from the list.
Press Select to return to the previous window
Now enter the the IP address of the Printer Server as the Printer Address. This is normally
unless you have changed it something else.
The Queue should be entered as LP for a DB25 (parallel) printer or LPUSB for a USB printer.
Now press Verify. This will confirm that the computer can communicate with the printer server.
NOTE – This does not verify that the printer is actually working only that the IP address is correct.
Once verified then press OK to return to the previous window
Step 4 – Create the printer
Press Create... in the bottom right hand corner of the window
The computer will now prompt for the printer name and location to save the configuration.
Enter the name and location and press OK to create the new printer.