Symptom Possible cause Possible solution
The traffic information is not displayed The traffic information is not set to on. Set the traffic information to on.
The vehicle is in an area where traffic information is not
Scroll to an area where traffic information is available.
The subscription to XM NavTraffic姞 is incomplete, or the sub-
scription to XM 姞 has expired.
Check the subscription status of XM NavTraffic姞.
The map scale is set at a level where the display of icons is
Check that the map scale is set at a level in which the dis-
play of icons is possible.
“Traffic information display and scale levels”
(page 7-9)
With the automatic detour route search ON, no detour
route is set to avoid congested areas.
There is no faster route compared to the current route, based
on the road network and traffic information.
The automatic detour search is not intended for avoiding
traffic jams. It searches for the fastest route taking into
consideration such things as traffic jams. Follow the cur-
rent route. Also see “NOTES ON TRAFFIC INFORMA-
TION” for further information.
The route does not avoid a road section with traffic infor-
mation stating that it is closed due to road construction.
The navigation system is designed not to avoid this event be-
cause the actual period of closure may differ from the declared
roadwork period.
Observe the actual road conditions and follow the instruc-
tions on the road for detour when necessary. If the road
actually is closed, use the detour function and set the de-
tour distance to avoid the road section that is closed.
11-10 Troubleshooting guide