Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD - 05/2013
Carefully pull out the transport anchor (27) of
foam that protects the print head by pulling it to
the right.
Carefully remove any adhesive tape remnants.
• Checkinstrumentfordamage(donotswitch
on in the case of damage!).
• Checkdeliveredaccessoriesforcompleteness
according to purchase order.
• Removethetransportanchor(27, Fig. 12).
• Carryoutthefollowinginstallationsteps:
• Installtheaccessories.
• Insertshieldingglass(Fig. 16).
• Inserttheflashbulb.
• Connecttothepowersupply.
• Exchangethecartridges.
• EstablishdataconnectiontoPC.
• Installprinterdriver.
• Fillthemagazineswithspecimenslides.
• Runatestprint.
Fig. 12
4.3 Installing the printer
When unpacking the printer, at least
two people (one person on each side
of the printer) are required to lift the
printer out of the box and place it onto
the laboratory bench.
4. Instrument Setup