MBR L13 – User’s Guide
To display all available log entries:
1. At the top of the screen, clear the Syslog for specific time interval checkbox.
2. Click Create Report. All available log entries are displayed in the System log viewer.
To erase all log entries:
Click Clear Log.
To turn on logging:
Click Start Log.
To turn off logging:
Click Stop Log.
To configure the system-debugging functionality:
1. Click the Settings button. The System Debug configuration screen appears. It provides a list of debug
Specifies the level of detail in the debugging trace file. Range: 1-8.
Activate this option to forward debugging information to an external
System log server software application.
The IP address of the network PC where the external System log server
software application is installed.
The port on the external Sys log server for forwarding debugging data.
Start PBX activity tracing.
Specifies the level of detail in the debugging trace file. Range: 1-8.
Specifies the level of detail in the PBX activity used protocols debugging
trace file. Range: 1-12.
Activate saving trace in the debug report file.
Specifies the maximum size of the debug file. File continue to fill
information in FIFO mode when size expired.
Note: The external server application must have an option to receive the system log network information via
an IP connection. An example of an application that is compatible is TFTPd32.
2. Click OK or Apply. You are returned to the System Debug Log screen, which displays the debug file in the
viewer window.