Rack-mountable interface frames offer a practical way to hold
interface modules and directly connect external audio sources
to the Eclipse systems.
Clear-Com Eclipse 13
IMF-3interface frame holds up to 11 interface modules
in a 3RU chassis. Modular rear-mounted connector units
feature two RJ-45 connectors to the matrix ports and two
DB-9s attaching the connected devices. The frame is used
in conjunction with the PSU-101 rack-mountable dual
power supply, providing power to the enclosed interfaces.
IMF-102interface frame combines an internal power supply,
connection for a second redundant supply, a rear input/
output connector panel and slots for two modular inter-
faces – all in a 1RU chassis. The compact frame offers a
practical way to add two interfaces to an Eclipse-Omega,
Median or PiCo Matrix frame. A PSU-101 can be added
for power supply redundancy.
PSU-101is the power supply for the IMF-3 interface frame.
It has both an audible failure alarm and failure relay contacts
to activate a remote signal. A single PSU-101 will power
a minimum of two interface frames, depending on the type
of interfaces and their individual power requirements.
TW-60interface supports “Radio Interoperability” and
interfaces with up to four Land Mobile Radios. The
interface can connect to earphone, microphone and
push-to-talk radio controls. An audio output delay, to
allow key-up time of a radio system on the outbound side
of each connection, is also included with delay between
0 and 5000ms. Receive level, Transmit level and Delay
time are three separate controls for each radio.
IFB-104 (IFB line Interface)is a 1RU panel that directly
connects up to four IFB feeds to the ports of a digital
matrix system. Individual or multiple IFB ear buds or
headphones may be used directly from each connected
matrix port.
The IFB-104 does not require external power to drive its
circuitry. Each channel has a rear-mounted wet/dry switch,
allowing either direct connection or powering via a partyline
intercom power supply. The signal from the matrix port is
transformer-coupled to the XLR connector output.
BAL-8 (8-way Transformer Balance unit)is a 1RU
interface containing eight transformer isolated ports.
The unit isolates the connection between matrix ports
and peripheral devices such as two-way radios and
four-wires. (All Eclipse matrix direct outputs are low
impedance electronically balanced.)