— 9 —
0 Character Font Font A Font B
1 Undefined
2 Undefined
3 High-lighting Canceled Specified
4 Double height Canceled Specified
5 Double width Canceled Specified
6 Undefined
7 Underline Canceled Specified
ESC ! n
[Function] Collective Specifying Printing Mode
[Code] <1B>H<21>H<n>
[Range] {0 =< n =< FF(Hex)}
[Outline] Printing mode is assigned.
Each n bit indicates the following:
[Caution] •With double height and double width being specified simultaneously, double wide
and double high characters are consisted.
• An underline is attached to the full character width, which, however, is not attached
to the part having been skipped by the horizontal tab.
Neither is it attached to 90°-right-turned characters.
• The underline width is as having been specified by <ESC ->. (The default setting is
1 dot width.)
•n case that double wide character and normal character exist in same one line, the
layout of underline is consistent one.
[Default] n = 0
[See Also] ESC E, ESC –
Bit Function