Appendix A Specifications and Cables
Cabling Specifications
Cisco 828 Router and SOHO 78 Router Hardware Installation Guide
The console port is configured as a data communications equipment (DCE)
device. The default parameters for the console port are as follows:
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• One stop bit
Cabling Specifications
This section provides specifications for the following types of Ethernet cables,
which you might need to provide:
• Straight-through
• Crossover
This section also provides information on Ethernet cable distance limitations.
Ethernet Cable Specifications
Table A-4 provides the specifications for straight-through and crossover Ethernet
cables. See the Glossary for definitions for straight-through and crossover
Ethernet cables.
Table A-4 Ethernet Cable Specifications
Type Category Shielding
10BaseT Category 3 or 5 Shielded twisted-pair (STP)
10BaseT – Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP)