cycling, and less amperage draw by the water
pump from the coach batteries.
NOTE: The accumulator tank has a precharge
pressure which must be checked month-
ly and maintained at 20 psi for the sys-
tem to work properly.
Adjusting Precharge Pressure
A tire-type valve stem is provided on the end
or top of the accumulator tank to check or add
air pressure.
When adding air, do not exceed 20 psi tank
precharge pressure because you may risk ruptur-
ing the pressure bladder inside the accumulator
Because of the relatively small capacity of the
bladder, check pressure with a standard tire pres-
sure gauge before adding air, then if necessary,
add air in small bursts, checking pressure
between each burst until 20 psi is attained.
Overfilling will also push the bladder too far
and reduce the volume of water held in the accu-
mulator tank, making the system inefficient.
The precharge valve stem cap must be tight
to prevent pressure leak-down.
Further Information
See manufacturer’s information supplied for
your Owner’s InfoCase for complete mainte-
nance instructions and precautions.
(As approved by the U.S. Public Health
To assure complete disinfection of your fresh
water system, it is recommended that the follow-
ing procedure be followed on a new system, one
that has not been used for a period of time, or
one that may have become contaminated. This
procedure is also recommended before long
periods of storage such as over winter.
1. Prepare a chlorine solution using 1 gallon of
water and 1/4 cup of household bleach
(sodium hypochlorite solution). With tank
empty, pour chlorine solution into the tank.
Use 1 gallon solution for each 15 gallons of
tank capacity. This procedure will result in a
residual chlorine concentration of 50 ppm in
the water system. If a 100 ppm concentration
is required as discussed in item 3, use 1/2
cup of household bleach with 1 gallon of
water to prepare the chlorine solution. One
gallon of the solution should be used for
each 15 gallons of tank capacity.
2. Complete filling of tank with fresh water.
Open each faucet and run the water until a
distinct odor of chlorine can be detected in
the water discharged. Do not forget the hot
water taps.
3. Allow the system to stand at least 4 hours
when disinfecting with 50 ppm residual
chlorine. If a shorter time period is desired,
then a 100 ppm chlorine concentration
should be permitted to stand in the system
for at least 1 hour.
4. Drain and flush with fresh water.
Accumulator Tank
Chlorine is poisonous - recap bottle
and clean utensils after use.
Never use automotive type antifreeze
in your potable water system as it is