TD 92675EN
20 June 2012 / Ver. E
Configuration Manual
Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
5. Maintenance
8 In the list, select the broken handset to be replaced with the spare handset. Click
The broken handset has been replaced and its settings have been transferre
d to the spare
Replace and Move Licenses using PDM
The broken handset and the spare handset do not have
the same device t
ype and/or have
the same functionality license.
In order to move the licenses to the spare handset, it must be an unlicensed Talker. To check
that the handset is unlicensed, press *#34# in idle mode and select “License“. Only i62
Talker must be displayed here.
1 Put the broken handset in the Desktop
Programmer (DP1) cradle.
2 Open the PDM.
3 Make sure that the broken handset is saved in the PDM. In the Nu
mbers ta
b, a saved
handset has the symbol
in the Saved column. If not, right-click the handset and
select “Save“ in order to transfer the settings to the spare handset later on.
Put an unlicensed spare handset (Talker) in the Desktop Progr
ammer (DP1) cradle.
2 Run the template with the basic network settings containing (see 4.4 Configure a
Handset with a Template on page 13):
• Network settings
(located under Network > Network A, B, C, or D)
• VoIP settings
(located under VoIP)
The handset might be restarted depending on parameter changes.
3 Put the broken handset in the Desktop
Programmer (DP1) cradle.
4 In the PDM, select the “Licenses“ tab.
5 Right-click the broken handset and select “Move license...“.
6In the Move li
cense window,
select the Talker that should receive the license. Press
“OK“. The broken handset restarts and has now become a Talker.
7 Put the spare handset in the Desktop Programmer (DP1) cradle.
8 In the PDM, select the “Licenses“ tab. Right-cl
ick the spare handset and s
The spare handset is restarted and the licenses for the broken handset in the PDM
has been transferred to the spare handse
9A Found Device Wizard window
appears. Select “Associate with Number“ and click
“Next >“.
10 In the list, select the broken handset to be replaced wit
h the spare handset. Click
The spare handset might be restarted and the settings for the broken handset in the
PDM has been transferred to the spa
re handset.
5.3 Change Number of a Handset
It is possible to change the number of a handset, but keep all other settings in the handset.
1 Open PDM or the Device Manager in IMS3.
2 Open the Numbers tab, and select the handset to be updated with a new number.
1. All required system settings for the WLAN. For example SSID and Security mode.
2. VoIP protocol, Gatekeeper IP address or SIP Proxy IP address used to access the PBX.