TD 92675EN
20 June 2012 / Ver. E
Configuration Manual
Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
4. Installation of VoWiFi
1 Open a web browser and enter the address to the IMS3.
2 Click “Device Manager“. You might be prompted to lo
g on the Device Manager.
3 Select the Temp
lates tab and click “New“. The New template window is opened.
4In the Device t
ype and Parameter version drop-down lists, select the corresponding
device type and parameter version to use, respectively.
5In the Name field,
enter a descriptive name of the template.
6Click “OK“.
7 Set the following network parameters:
• Network settings
(located under Network > Network A, B, C, or D)
• VoIP settings
(located under VoIP)
• Syslog settings
(if any) (located under Device > General)
• Unite settings
(located under Device > Unite)
8 Click “OK“ to save the template.
Tip: See App
ndix A for tip on how to work with templates when using both PDM and IMS3.
4.1.2 Create a Common Template in the IMS3
Create another template with the common handset settings applicable to all handsets
(exclude the param
eters and security settings configured in the Network template). This
template contains for example, hidden menu items in the display, certain level of ring signal
and vibrators.
NOTE: Only select the parameters that are changed, if
all param
eters are selected the system
performance decreases.
1 Open a web browser and enter the address to the IMS3.
2 Click “Device Manager“.
3 Select the Templates t
b and click “New“.
4 In the Device Type and Parameter version drop-down lists, select the corresponding
device type
and parameter version to use, respectively.
5 In the Name field, enter a descriptive name of the template.
6 Set the specific parameters. See section 4.4 Configure a Handset with a Template on
page 13 for more information.
4.1.3 Create Numbers in the IMS3
Create a range of Numbers and apply the temp
lates previously created in the IMS3.
IMPORTANT: Do not add numbers already used because these handsets already exist in the
system although not sav
ed in the Device Manager in IMS3. The Device Manager
will overwrite the existing parameters in the handset.
NOTE: The parameter version of the template must be e
ual to or less than the selected
parameter version.
1 Open a web browser and enter the address to the IMS3.
1. All required system settings for the WLAN. For example SSID and Security mode.
2. For example VoIP protocol, Gatekeeper IP address or SIP proxy IP address used to access the PBX.
3. The parameter “Syslog“ must be enabled in order to set the “Syslog IP addre
4. IP address and password (if any)
to the IMS3.