Page 18 | AlliedWare™ OS How To Note: VPNs for Corporate Networks
If you need remote management access, we strongly recommend that you use Secure Shell
(SSH). You should not telnet to a secure gateway.
To configure SSH, define appropriate RSA encryption keys, then enable the SSH server.
create enco key=2 type=rsa length=1024 description="host key"
create enco key=3 type=rsa length=768 description="server key"
enable ssh server serverkey=3 hostkey=2
Enable the user who connects via SSH to log in as secoff, by adding the secoff user as an SSH
user. Also, you may choose to restrict access so that it is only permitted from particular
add ssh user=secoff password=<secoff-password>
disable telnet server
Secure Shell is a more secure, encrypted method of remote management access than telnet.
If you need to use telnet, even though it is insecure, you should restrict access by defining
remote security officers (RSOs). RSO definitions specify trusted remote addresses for
security officer users.
add user rso ip=<ipadd>[-<ipadd>]
enable user rso
enable telnet server
If desired, set the router to send log messages to a syslog server.
create log output=2 destination=syslog server=<syslog-server-address>
add log out=2 filter=1 sev=>3
If desired, you can configure SNMP to inform you or your service provider of network
events, such as the LAN interface of the router going down. We recommend SNMPv3 for
security reasons. For details, see How To Configure SNMPv3 On Allied Telesis Routers and
Managed Layer 3 Switches. This How To Note is available from www.alliedtelesis.com/
5. Configure remote management access, if desired
6. Capture status information remotely, if desired