Chapter 3 Wireless Settings
If needed, change the channel on which the Modem Router’s wireless network 3.
will operate once it is activated. In the U.S., wireless networks can operation on
channels 1 through 11. If your network is not working properly because of out-
side interference, you can change it to another channel here. Also, if you select
the Auto Detect option, the Modem Router will automatically select a channel.
Activate wireless security by clicking in the radio button next to WPA/WPA2. 4.
This type of wireless security is the recommended choice, and will secure the
Modem Router’s wireless network against outside intruders who try to gain
access to the wireless network without your knowledge.
Enter a pre-shared key (PSK) in the text box next to Pre-Shared Key (PSK) for 5.
Home Network. A PSK is the password that other wireless devices will need to
join the Modem Router’s wireless network. It must be at least 8 characters long,
and is made up of numbers and letter. Once you create a PSK, write it down for
future reference.
Click 6. Apply. The Modem Router’s wireless network is now on and other wire-
less devices can join it.