Sensors – Your washing machine is so
Load adjust
Depending on the type of textile and load, the load adjust
optimally adjusts the water consumption in each programme.
During the wash and rinse cycles the Aqua sensor checks the
degree of turbidity (turbidity is caused by dirt and detergent
residue) of the washing and rinsing water. The duration and
number of rinse cycles are specified depending on the water
turbidity and, if required, an additional amount of detergent is
dosed in the automatic programmes.
Load sensor/Load display
The load sensor detects the load level in the washing machine
when the door is open. This is indicated by a progressing bar on
the display panel.
To ensure that the load sensor measures all the laundry, the drum
must be empty before the washing machine is switched on.
Dosing recommendation
The dosing recommendation indicates a recommended
detergent dosage as a %, depending on the selected programme
and the detected load. The indicated % refers to the
recommendation of the detergent manufacturer.
By observing the recommended dosage, you will protect the
environment and reduce your household costs.
Unbalanced load detection system
The automatic unbalanced load detection system spins the
laundry several times to ensure even distribution.
For reasons of safety the speed is reduced or does not perform
a spin cycle if the washing is very unevenly distributed.
Distribute small and large items of washing in the drum. Faults,
what to do? ~ Page 50
residue) of the washing and rinsing water. The duration and
residue) of the washing and rinsing water. The duration and
number of rinse cycles are specified depending on the water
number of rinse cycles are specified depending on the water
turbidity and, if required, an additional amount of detergent is
turbidity and, if required, an additional amount of detergent is
dosed in the automatic programmes.
dosed in the automatic programmes.
The load sensor detects the load level in the washing machine
The load sensor detects the load level in the washing machine
when the door is open. This is indicated by a progressing bar on
when the door is open. This is indicated by a progressing bar on
To ensure that the load sensor measures all the laundry, the drum
To ensure that the load sensor measures all the laundry, the drum
must be empty before the washing machine is switched on.
must be empty before the washing machine is switched on.
Dosing recommendation
Dosing recommendation
The dosing recommendation indicates a recommended
The dosing recommendation indicates a recommended
detergent dosage as a %, depending on the selected programme
detergent dosage as a %, depending on the selected programme
and the detected load. The indicated % refers to the
and the detected load. The indicated % refers to the