ISG50 User’s Guide 859
self-directory-traversal attack 426
truncated-address-header 427
truncated-header 426, 427
truncated-options 426
truncated-timestamp-header 427
TTCP-detected 426
u-encoding 426
undersize-len 426
undersize-offset 426
UTF-8-encoding 426
files 532, 533
for auto-attendant 510
recording 516
on hold 539
sampling 475
audio files
format 510
Authenex Strong Authentication System
(ASAS) 632
in IPSec 375
server 631
authentication algorithms 312, 387
and active protocol 387
and routing protocols 312
MD5 312, 387
SHA1 387
text 312
Authentication Header, see AH
authentication method objects 639
and users 600
and WWW 682
create 641
example 639
where used 103
authentication policy 347
exceptional services 349
authentication type 73, 663
Authentication, Authorization, Accounting servers,
see AAA server
authority groups 88
add 458
and call access code 453
and call routing 89
and extensions 88
configuration 459
creation guidelines 455
creation tutorial
descriptions 458
edit 458
extensions 455
features 462
call blocking 462
call forwarding 462
group names 458
grouping 455
LCRs 146, 152, 158, 527
limitations 455
management 527
authorization server 631
Auto Attendant
see AA
auto callback 532, 533
auto configuration 141
auto provisioning 141
client configuration 142
MAC address 142
overview 573
serial number 142
settings 577
auto-attendant 89, 151, 503, 595
adding, deleting 508
advanced example 504
and fax 89, 503
files 510
BRI trunk 502
call routing 503
diagram 504
FXO trunks 496
management 507
menus 504
night service 513
recording instructions 516
SIP trunks 486, 493
structure 504
automatic switchboard operator 503
backing up configuration files 727
backslashes 425