VDSL Hospitality 100+ Rooms Setup Guide
1/05/05 Page 13 of 23
After finished the setting, please click the “Apply” to save this configuration.
Setup LAN device management
You’ll need to add LAN device management entries to administrate devices on the LAN side of
the VSG-1200 from the LAN side. Use these steps to set up this feature for your ES-3024 switch:
1. Click on “Advanced Settings >> LAN Devices”.
2. In the first row, you’ll set up an account for you ES-3024 switch. First enter ES-3024 as the
Name. Then, type in 60001 as the Virtual Port. Set the Device IP Address to, and
the Device Server Port to 80. Finally, enter the MAC address from the ES-3024 in the Device
MAC Address filed (the ES-3024’s MAC address is a 12-character code found on the bottom
label of the unit, usually in a 00A0C5XXXXXX format). Leave the Application drop-down set
to TCP.
3. Click on “Apply” when finished.
4. You should now be able to administrate the ES-3024 through the VSG-1200’s public IP
address by typing the WAN address of the VSG-1200 into your web browser followed by
“:60001” For example: