P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
1.6 Display brief trace results: sys trcp brief
1.7 Display specific packet trace results: sys trcp parse <from_index> <to_index>
2. Trace WAN packet
1.1 Disable LAN packet trace: sys trcp channel enet0 none
1.2 Enable WAN packet trace: sys trcp channel mpoa00 bothway
1.3 Enable trace logging: sys trcp sw on & sys trcl sw on
1.4 Wait for packets to pass through the P-2024 on the WAN
1.5 Disable trace logging: sys trcp sw off & sys trcl sw off
1.6 Display brief trace results: sys trcp brief
1.7 Display specific packet trace results: sys trcp parse <from_index> <to_index>
CLI Command List
The most updated CI command list is available in the release notes with every ZyXEL firmware release.
Download the latest firmware package (*.zip), from ZyXEL’s public WEB site at
http://www.zyxel.com/support/download.php. You must unzip the package to get the release note in
PDF format.