Dil ID: 11
Dil Adı: russia
Dil Kodu: ru1tayfun Продукция бренда Whirlpool
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Amount of Detergent to Use
Proper U se o f De terg ent
Use o nly deterge nt speci ficall y m ade f or the u se i n dis hwas her s. K eep your det ergent fr esh and dry.
Don't put powdereddetergent into the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
Dishwash er de tergen t is co rrosive! Ta ke car e to keep i t out of reach of c hildren.
Based on their chemical composition, detergents can be split in two basic types:
The use of normal washing programs in combination with concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for your dish es ; these wa sh p ro gr am s are spe cifically mat che d
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pert i es o f t he e nz ymes of the con cent rate d deterg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programs in which concentrated detergents are used can achieve the same
results that can otherwise onlybe achieved using intensive programs.
Detergent tablets of different brands dissolve at different speeds. For this reason some
dete rgent t ablets ca nnot dissolve and dev elop the ir f ul l cl eani ng power dur ing s hort
prog ra ms. There fore please use l ong program s wh en u sin g de terg ent t able ts, t o
ensure the com pl ete re mova l of de ter g e n t re si du al s.
Th e disp ens er m us t b e refille d be fore the start of each was h cycle f ollowing the instructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle t able . You r dis hwa sher use s less de ter gent and rins e aid tha n
Conventional dishwasher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
a normal wash load. More heavily soiled items need more detergent.Always add the
dete rgen t j us t b e for e star ting the dishwas her, othe rwis e it coul d ge t da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
Always a dd the d ete rgent just b efore star ting ea ch w ash cycl e.
Only use branded detergent aid for dishwasher.
If the l id is close d: pr ess rele ase butt on. T he li d will spri ng ope n.
conventional, alkaline detergents with caustic components
l ow a lk aline conc ent r at ed deter ge nt s wi th natur a l e nzy mes
Normally new pu lver ised det ergent is with out phos ph ate. T hus the wate r so ften er fu ncti on o f
phosph ate i s not give n. I n th i s ca se w e recom m e nd to fill sal t i n t h e salt co nta i n er e ven whe n
the h ard ne ss o f wate r is o nly 6 dH. If dete rg ents w it ho ut ph osphate ar e used in the case of h ard water
often whi te s pots appear on d ishe s a nd glasse s. In th is cas e pl ease add mo re d eter gent to r each
better r esul ts . D ete rg en ts wit h o ut chlori n e d o only bleac h a lit t le. Str o ng and c olo u red sp ot s will no t
be re moved complete ly. I n th is ca se p leas e choos e a p rogram with a hi gher tempera ture.