LAN IP Address assigned manually - Static
PPPoE Internet connection (usually used by ADSL providers)
DMZ configuration
IP Address and Netmask settings should consist with the address space of the
network segment where AirOS device resides. If the device IP settings and
administrator PC (which is connected to the device in wired or wireless way) IP
settings will use different address space, the AirOS device will become
unreachable. (Applicable for Static mode only)
Netmask: This is used to define the device IP classification for the chosen IP
address range. is a typical netmask value for Class C networks,
which support IP address range 192.0.0.x to 223.255.255.x. Class C network
Netmask uses 24 bits to identify the network (alternative notation "/24") and 8
bits to identity the host. (Applicable for Static mode only)
Gateway IP: is the IP address of the host router that resides on the external
network and provides the point of connection to the next hop towards the
internet. This can be a DSL modem, Cable modem, or a WISP gateway router.
AirOS device will direct all the packets to the gateway if the destination host is
not within the local network. (Applicable for Static mode only)
Gateway IP address should be from the same address space (on the same network segment) as the AirOS device's external network
interface (Wireless interface in the Station case and the LAN interface in the AP case). (Applicable for Static mode only)
Primary/Secondary DNS IP: The Domain Name System (DNS) is an internet "phone book", which translates domain names to IP
addresses. These fields identify the server IP addresses where the DNS requests are forwarded by the AirOS v5.3 powered device.
(Applicable for Static mode only)
Primary DNS server IP is mandatory. It is used by the DNS Proxy and for the device management purpose.
Secondary DNS server IP address is optional. It is used as the fail-over in case the primary DNS server will become unresponsive.
PPPoE: Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a virtual private and
secure connection between two systems, which enables encapsulated data
transport. It is commonly used as the medium for subscribers to connect to
Internet Service Providers.
Select the IP Address option PPPoE to configure a PPPoE tunnel in order to
connect to an ISP. Only the external network interface can be configured as
PPPoE client as all the traffic will be sent via this tunnel. The IP address, Default
gateway IP and DNS server IP address will be obtained from the PPPoE server
after PPPoE connection is established. Broadcast address is used for the PPPoE
server discovery and tunnel establishment.
Valid authorization credentials are required for the PPPoE connection:
PPPoE Username – username to connect to the server (must match the
configured on the PPPoE server);
PPPoE Password – password to connect to the server (must match the configured on the PPPoE server);
Show: Check this box to display the PPPoE password characters.
PPPoE MTU/MRU – the size (in bytes) of the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU (http://en.wikipedia.org
/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit) ) and Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) used for the data encapsulation while transferring it through
the PPP (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1661) tunnel; (MTU/MRU default value: 1492)
PPPoE Encryption – enables the use of MPPE encryption.
IP address of the PPP interface will be displayed in the Main page next to the PPP interface statistics if it is obtained through the
established PPPoE connection, otherwise "Not Connected" message will be displayed.
PPPoE tunnel reconnection routine can be initiated using the Reconnect button, which is located in the Main page next to the PPP interface
Enable DMZ: The Demilitarized zone (DMZ) can be enabled and used as a place where services can be placed such as Web Servers,
Proxy Servers, and E-mail Servers such that these services can still serve the local network and are at the same time isolated from it for
additional security. DMZ is commonly used with the NAT functionality as an alternative for the Port Forwarding while makes all the ports
of the host network device be visible from the external network side.
DMZ Management Port: Web Management Port for the AirOS v5.3 based device
(TCP/IP port 80 by default) will be used for the host device if DMZ Management
Port option is enabled. In this case AirOS device will respond to the requests from
the external network as if it was the host that is specified with DMZ IP. It is
recommended to leave Management Port disabled while the AirOS based device
will become inaccessible from the external network if enabled.
DMZ IP: connected to the internal network host, specified with the DMZ IP address will be accessible from the external network.
AirOS 5.3 - Ubiquiti Wiki
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