TL-WR743ND 150Mbps Wireless AP/Client Router
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Figure 3-18 Quick Setup - Static IP
3. Click Next to continue, the Wireless settings page will appear as shown in Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19 Quick Setup – Wireless
Wireless Network Name (SSID) - Enter a value of up to 32 characters. The same
name of SSID (Service Set Identification) must be assigned to all wireless devices in
your network. Considering your wireless network security, the default SSID is set to be
(XXXXXX indicates the last unique six numbers of each Router’s MAC address). This
value is case-sensitive. For example, TEST is NOT the same as test.
Wireless Security Mode - You can select one of the following security options:
Most Secure(WPA/WPA2-PSK) - Select WPA based on pre-shared passphrase.
Secure(WEP)- Select WEP based on none pre-shared passphrase.
No Security - The wireless security function is disabled. The wireless stations will
be able to connect the Device without encryption.
Wireless Password - Enter an 8 to 63 character alphanumeric pass-phrase. For good
security it should be of enough length and should not be a commonly known phrase.
These settings are only for basic wireless parameters. For advanced settings, please refer to
Section 4.7 Wireless.
4. Click the Next button. You will see the page as shown in Figure 3-20. Please click the
Reboot/Finish button to make your configuratio
n take effect and finish the Quick Setup.