W150M+150Mbps Wireless AP
7.2 Wireless Security Setting
It is used to configure the AP network’s security setting. Here
presents the common encryption methods, including
WPA-personal, WPA2-personal, WAP/WAP2-Personla, Mixed
WEP, Open, Shared. It is suggested you choose WPA-personal for
“Security Mode” and AES for “WPA Algorithms” .Please note that
all connecting wireless devices will need to match these security
settings in their connection settings. In this section, three common
encryption methods are introduced.
7.2.1 WPA-personal
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), a Wi-Fi standard, is a more recent
wireless encryption scheme, designed to improve the security
features of WEP. It applies more powerful encryption types (such
as TKIP [Temporal Key Integrity Protocol] or AES [Advanced
Encryption Standard]) and can change the keys dynamically on
every authorized wireless device.