Motor hums
Staining of
tub interior
Vapor at the
Detergent cup
lid won't latch
after adding
oDishwasher has
not been used on
a regular basis
,Some detergents
contain colorant
(pigment or dyes)
oSome tomato-based
foods can stain
-Water vapor comes
through the vent by
the door latch during
drying and when
water is being
pumped out
• Dial not in OFF
olf you do not use your dishwasher often,
set it to fill and pump out once every week.
This wi!t help keep the seal moist and the
garbage disposer clear..
•This wil! discolor the tub interior with extended
use. Check the detergent dispenser for signs
of any discoloration. If dispenser is discolored,
change to detergent without any colorant.
• Using the RINSE & HOLD cycle after adding
dish to the load can decrease the level of staining°
.This is a normal occurrence.
-Dial must be in OFF position for cup lid to
close and latch properly. If you unlatch the
door and open it to dry your dishes, the Dial
does not advance to OFF by itself..