Cleaning & Car Care
Protecting paint damage
After washing, examinethe paintworkfor damage. Treat paint chips
and scratcheswith a Roverpaint touch-up pencil. If the damage has
revealed bare metal, use a coloured primer first,then apply the base
coat and finish off with a lacquer pencil, if appropriate. Carryout
this treatment after washing but before polishing or waxing.
More extensivedamage to paint or bodywork must be repaired in
accordance with the manufacturer’srecommendations - failureto
do this may invalidatethe Anti-Corrosion Warranty!Ask your Rover
dealer for advice.
Occasionallytreat the paint surfacewith an approvedpolish
containing the followingproperties:- very mild abrasivesto remove
surface contaminationwithout removingor damaging the paint. -
filling compounds that will fill scratchesand reduce their visibility.-
wax to provide a protective coating between the paint and the
Always apply polish with a soft, clean cloth and follow the
manufacturers application instructions implicitly.
Windows and mirrors
Regularly clean allwindows insideand out using an approvedglass
Windscreen: In particular,clean the outside of the screenwith glass
cleaner after washing the car with wash and wax products, and
before fitting new wiper blades.
Rear window: Cleanthe inside with a soft cloth, using a side to side
motion to avoid damaging the heating elements.DO NOT scrape the
glass or use abrasivecleaners- this willdamage the heating
Mirrors: Washwith soapy water. Use a plastic scraperto remove
ice. DO NOT use abrasivecleanersor metalscrapers.
Do not use any abrasivecleaners, the surfaceof the chrome will be
Care Points .........
• If possible, avoid applying
polish or wax products to
window glass or rubber
• DO NOT scrape or use
abrasive cleaners on the
inside of the rear window -
this will damage the heating
• DO NOT use car polish
containing coarse abrasives
- these will remove the
paint film and damage the
gloss finish.