1. General Information
1.1 Key Terms
Real-time commands – These commands are acted on immediately upon being received by the printer (regardless
of the printer’s busy or error status).
Page mode -- Under this mode, the printer possesses all data in specified memory and thinks of this as a virtual
page. The page is printed when the printer receives a print command, either FF or ESC FF.
Standard mode – Standard mode is the default mode of printer uses to operate. Under this mode, the printer prints
data and feeds paper upon print line buffer full (data is enough for one print line) or receiving print command like LF.
Marked paper mode– Configuration of printer is marked paper.
Presenter – Presenter is the front mechanism of the KIOSK printer. It is used to accommodate the printout during
printing and retract the printout when the user does not take the printout. It is abbreviated as PRST in this
programming manual.
HRI Characters – Human readable interpretation of the barcode.
NV – Non-volatile memory in which data stored is not lost when powered off.
RAM – Random Access Memory
Motion unit – The motion unit has vertical motion unit and horizontal motion unit, which specify the least space for
vertical motion and horizontal motion.
ASB – Auto status back
DPI – Print dots per inch (one inch equals to 25.4mm). It is used to identify the resolution of a printer. For example,
203DPI means 203 print dots per inch.
Font 0 – A standard character, Font A size for 203 DPI model is 12 x 24; the size for 300 DPI is 18 x 34;
Font 1 – Compressed character, Font B size for 203 DPI model is 9 X 17; the size for 300 DPI is 13 X 24;
Asia Character Set – Double-byte code character used in Asia, the size for 203DPI is 24 x 24; the size for 300DPI
is 36 x 36.
1.2 Command Explanation
The name and function summary.
The command format is expressed in ASCII, Hex and Decimal separately.
The range of variation value is selected for a command.
The detailed functions of command.
Lists items that will be given attention to. The main features of the command are given in this
The primary value used after initialization of the printer (power on).
Lists all other commands related or similar to the command.