a: 14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201, Draper, UT 84020-1685 | luxul.com | 801-822-5450
LUX-UG-XAP-1500 Vers: 07314
Security Mode: Sets the wireless security encryption mode. It is HIGHLY recom-
mended to change the Security Mode and use the highest security level supported
by the client devices in the network. In most wireless networks, WPA/WPA2 Personal
is an excellent option that will support the largest cross section of client devices.
Security include:
We recommend WPA2 where devices newer than five years are used
Open (default - no security)
WEP (64 or 128 bit shared key)
WPA Personal
WPA2 Personal
WPA/WPA2 Personal
To change the Security Mode, click the drop down menu and select the desired mode.
The available options for the selected mode will then appear. AFTER all options are
complete, click Save, and then Reboot for the change to take effect.
Encryption: This field sets the type of encryption to be used by the Security Mode.
The encryption options are dependent upon the Security Mode selected and this
field only shows while in WPA mode. For WEP and WPA2, and WPA/WPA2 Personal,
encryption is automatically set to 64/128 bits, AES, TKIP and TKIP & AES respectively.
For WPA, there are three options: AES, TKIP, and TKIP & AES. When set to WPA, it
is recommended that AES be used. To change the Encryption, click the drop down
menu and select the desired encryption type. Once all options are selected, click
Save and then Reboot for the change to take effect
WEP Key: This field only shows while in WEP mode and sets the WEP key to be used
in the network. WEP 64 bit keys require 10 characters, WEP 128 bit keys require 26
characters. Allowed characters are numbers 0-9 and letters a-f. There are WEP key
generators online that can automatically create a key. To change the WEP Key, simply
enter the 10/26 character key then click Save and then Reboot for the change
to take effect.
WPA Passphrase: This sets the passphrase used by client devices to connect to the
wireless network when using WPA Security Mode. For WPA the passphrase:
Must be a minimum of 8, maximum of 63 characters
Can contain spaces or special characters (i.e. @#$%&*)
To change the WPA Passphrase, simply type in the desired passphrase, click Save, then
Reboot for the change to take effect.
NOTE: It is recommended to use a strong Passphrase Containing: