Configuring the OpenText RightFax Native Connector for Konica Minolta MFP 11
3. In the <appsettings> section of the configuration file, add
the following nodes:
<add key="KonicaNativeOpenAPIUseSSL" value="" />
<add key="KonicaNativeOpenAPISSLCertificatePath"
value="{CertificatePath}" /
4. Save the configuration file.
5. On the Konica Minolta device, go to Administrative Setting>
System Connection> OpenAPI Settings >SSL/Port
Settings>SSL Setting and choose both SSL/Non-SSL.
Troubleshooting the Native Connector for
Konica Minolta MFP
Event Logging
The connector application logs are saved to
To change the logging level, edit the configuration file.
1. In a text editor, open the web.config file
2. Edit the <switches> section to reflect the desired logging
level. Valid options are:
Error only logs error messages. This is the default.
Warning logs warning and error messages.
Information logs information, warning, and error messages.
Verbose logs all events and messages.
Example: <switches>
<add name="RF4KMBSNative" value="Warning"
/> </switches>
3. Save the configuration file.
Registration Application Events Logging
There are two logs for the connector available in the following
path: RightFax\EDC\Modules\KonicaNative\WebApp\logs\
RightFax4KonicaNative.txt contains information about the
registration application events. The logging level is controlled
by the RF4KMBSNative switch.
OpenAPISDK1.txt contains information about OpenAPI events
taking place during registration/unregistration. The logging level
is controlled by the KMBTOpenAPILogLevelString switch.
1. Edit the configuration file
2. Edit the <switches> section to reflect the desired logging
level. Valid options are:
None turns off logging.
Error logs only error messages.
Operational (this is the default) logs warning and
error messages.
Information logs information, warning, and error messages.
Debug logs all events and messages.
Example: <switches>
<add name="RF4KMBSNative" value="Verbose" />
<add name="KMBTOpenAPILogLevelString"
value="Operational" />
3. Save the configuration file.