bizhub PRO 951 1-81
TCK, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide and royalty-free license to internally use the TCK
for the sole purpose of developing and testing
Your Compatible Implementations (as defined below).
2.2.1 TCK Master Support Agreement. If you desire support for the TCK, You may execute a separate TCK
master support agreement with Sun.
2.2.2 TCK Use Terms. Your TCK license grant hereunder is expressly conditioned upon your continued ad-
herance to the following restrictions:
(i) You may not sublicense or distribute the TCK to any third party except for any specific TCK code files iden-
tified as redistributables in the TCK
User's Guide ("Redistributables"), but only: (a) as part of a TCK Adaptor accompanying a Compatible Imple-
mentation (where a "TCK Adaptor" means a
program that effects interoperability between the TCK and the Compatible Implementation); and (b) pursuant
to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests
consistent with the terms of the JDL;
(ii) You may not create derivative works of the TCK nor of any of its components except for the Redistribut-
ables in a TCK Adaptor;
(iii) You may not disassemble or decompile binary portions of the TCK's test suites or test tools or otherwise
attempt to derive the source code from
such binary portions;
(iv) You may not develop other test suites intended to validate compatibility with the Specification to which
the TCK licensed hereunder
(v) You may not use the TCK to test a third party’s product;
(vi) You may not make Commercial Use of code which implements any portion of the Specification unless
such code is included in a Compatible
(vii) You may disclose Test Reports (where "Test Reports" means those reports generated by the TCK which
identify only configuration information
and the status of individual or aggregate test executions) for an implementation which You are attempting to
certify in accordance with the terms of this JDL for
the sole purpose of making Your implementation a Compatible Implementation, but you may not make any
claims of comparative compatibility nor disclose
any other TCK testing information to any party. For example, You cannot claim that Your implementation is
"nearly compatible" or "98% compatible." When
You share Test Reports in any public forum, including mailing lists, marketing material or press releases, and
Your implementation is not a Compatible
Implementation, You must state that Your implementation is "not compatible;" and
(viii) You will protect the TCK as confidential information of Sun and, except as expressly authorized herein,
You may not disclose the TCK to any
third party. This obligation of confidentiality with respect to the TCK will survive any termination or expiration
of this JDL.
2.3 Term and Termination. This JDL shall have an initial term of three (3) years after your acceptance of this
JDL and shall thereafter automatically
renew for additional one year terms unless either party provides notice to the other party sixty (60) days prior
to an anniversary date. The license grants of this
JDL, are expressly conditioned upon Your not acting outside their scope, and Your continued compliance
with the material provisions of this JDL. All license
grants under this JDL will automatically and immediately be revoked without notice if You fail to so comply.
Upon termination or expiration of this JDL, You
must discontinue all use and distribution of the Technology and any Compatible Implementation licensed un-
der this JDL. All sublicenses You have properly