22 Chapter 3 The User Interface
The Touch Screen
5 Status The STATUS line shows the machine status.
- GREEN The Booklet maker is READY or RUNNING.
- ORANGE PLEASE WAIT - wait until the Booklet maker
is ready. ATTENTION - the Booklet maker
needs intervention by the operator.
- RED The Booklet maker is in an ERROR condition.
6 Help Help text is available on the touch screen.
■ Touch HELP then touch any button or tab on
the screen. Information about that button or
tab is displayed.
■ Use the Up arrow and the Down arrow to
scroll up and down the screen.
■ Some text has more than one screen. Use the
right arrow and left arrow to see the other
To leave the help text, touch HELP or touch X.
7 Sheet Counter The sheet counter shows the number of sheets in
the gathering area. The counter starts again with
each book.
8 Book Counter The book counter shows the number of books
made. The counter is reset to zero when the
Booklet maker is turned off.
No. Component Function