Circuit cross-connect (CCC) for leveraging ATM access networks
User-configurable virtual circuit (VC) and virtual path (VP) support
Support for idle cell or unassigned cell transmission
OAM fault management processes alarm indication signal (AIS), remote defect indicator
(RDI) cells, and loop cells
Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint mode Layer 2 counters per VC and per VP
Local and remote loopback
ATM Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which enables routers to automatically
learn the IP address of the router on the far end of an ATM permanent virtual circuit
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP):
Management Information Base (MIB) 2 (RFC 1213)
ATM MIB (RFC 1695)
Unspecified bit rate (UBR), non-real-time variable bit rate (VBR), and constant bit rate
(CBR) traffic shaping
Per-VC or per-VP traffic shaping
Support for F4 OAM cells
Support for 16 bit VCI range
Software features
Duplex SC/PC connector (RX and TX)
Optical interface support—See Table 15 on page 21
Cables and connectors
One tricolor per port:
Off—Not enabled
Green—Online with no alarms or failures
Amber—Online with alarms for remote failures
Red—Active with a local alarm; router has detected a failure
Alarm indication signal (AIS-L, AIS-P)
Bit error rate signal degrade (BERR-SD), bit error rate signal fail (BERR-SF)
Bit interleaved parity errors B1, B2, B3
Errored seconds (ES-S, ES-L, ES-P), far-end bit errors REI-L, REI-P (CV-LFE, CV-PFE),
far-end errored seconds (ES-LFE, ES-PFE), far-end severely errored seconds (SES-LFE,
SES-PFE), far-end unavailable seconds (UAS-LFE, UAS-PFE)
Loss of cell delineation (LOC), loss of frame (LOF), loss of pointer (LOP-P), loss of signal
Payload mismatch (PLM-P), payload unequipped (UNEQ-P)
Remote defect indication (RDI-L, RDI-P)
Severely errored framing (SEF), severely errored framing seconds (SEFS-S), severely
errored seconds (SES-S, SES-L, SES-P), unavailable seconds (UAS-L, UAS-P)
Alarms, errors, and
Table 15: Optical Interface Support for ATM2 OC3 IQ PICs
MultimodeIntermediate Reach (IR)Parameter
MultimodeSingle-modeOptical interface
FixedFixedTransceiver type