Section 9: Troubleshooting 67
Pro-L Card Printer Users Manual
TOP Line of LCD (continued)
Message Cause Solution
Clearing Jam Indicates error or jam is
being cleared.
Feeding Card Indicates card is feeding
Flipper Jam Card Flipping Mechanism Clear any obstruction and
is unable to rotate. press Pause/Resume button
to continue printing.
Flipping Card Indicates card is being
flipped for backside
Head-down Failed Printhead is unable to Press Pause/Resume button
lower. to retry. If failure continues
call for technical assistance.
Head-up Failed Printhead is unable to Press Pause/Resume button
raise. to retry. If failure continues
call for technical assistance.
Invalid Key Card The SmartGuard Access Insert a valid SmartGuard
Card is invalid or is inserted Card or reinsert the card
backwards or up-side-down. properly with the chip end
Appears only if you are down and facing you.
using the SmartGuard
Security Feature.
Invalid Password You have entered an invalid Re-enter the correct
SmartGuard password. password using any of the
Appears only if you are standard keyboard
using the SmartGuard characters.
Security Feature.
Key Card Deleted Indicates the data on your
SmartGuard Access Card
was successfully deleted.
Appears only if you are using
the SmartGuard Security
proL.qxd 8/6/2000 3:30 PM Page 67