3-7-2 URL Blocking
If you want to prevent computers in local network from accessing certain website (like
pornography, violence, or anything you want to block), you can use this function to stop
computers in local network from accessing the site you defined here.
This function is useful for parents and company managers.
Check this box to enforce URL Blocking,
uncheck it to disable URL Blocking.
Input the URL (host name or IP address of
website, like http://www.blocked-site.com or, or the keyword which is
contained in URL (like pornography, cartoon,
stock, or anything).
Click ‘Add’ button to add the URL / keyword to
the URL / Keyword filtering table.
Click ‘Reset’ to remove the value you inputted
in URL/Keyword field.
All existing URLs will be displayed in ‘Current URL Blocking Table’:
If you want to delete a specific URL/Keyword entry, check the ‘select’ box of the MAC
address you want to delete, then click ‘Delete Selected’ button. (You can select more than
one URL/Keyword). If you want to delete all URL/Keyword listed here, please click ‘Delete
All’ button, or you can also click ‘Reset’ button to unselect all URL/Keywords.