Digicast Media Router S2 Receiver CMR-5975 (MR-S2) Revision 3
Installation & Initial Configuration MN-CMR5975-IOM
2.4 Initial Configuration
The initial configuration involves setting up the IP parameters via the terminal cable. Once the IP
parameters have been configured, the terminal cable can be removed. The terminal cable should
be stored in a known location, since it may be needed in the future.
To configure the IP parameters:
Step Procedure
1 Using a terminal emulator on a PC such as HyperTerminal™ or TeraTerm™,
set up the communication port as follows:
• 38,400 BAUD
• 8 Data Bits
• 1 Stop Bit
• No Parity
• No Flow Control
Press the <ENTER> key on the PC – the login prompt should be displayed.
3 The default user is “comtech” and the default password is “comtech”. After
logging in, the MR-S2’s menu should be displayed.
Press “N” for Network Menu.
Press “I” for the IP Address, Enter the IP Address and press <ENTER>.
Press “M” for the Subnet Mask. Enter the Subnet Mask and press <ENTER>.
Press “G” for the Default Gateway IP Address. Enter the Default Gateway
Address and press <ENTER>.
Press “S” to save the parameters.
Press “Y” to confirm the saving of parameters.
Press “X” to exit to the main menu.
At this point, the unit has been configured for full operation and the terminal cable may be
removed. The coaxial connection to the Low Noise Block (LNB) may now be safely attached to
the L-Band input port. For continued operation the unit may be managed via the Terminal
Interface; however, it is recommended to use the Web Interface for ease of management.