Ensemble™ $75 Rebate FAQ’s
Customer can receive a Clarity® Ensemble™ phone at $75 off retail cost after rebate through
participating retailers. Customer will purchase the device from participating retailers and can be rebated
$75 by completing and returning the Professional Certification Form included with your Ensemble, as
well as a copy of your Ensemble purchase of receipt to ClearCaptions™ within 45 days of purchase. The
Professional Certification Form is a third-party certification of hearing loss that necessitates the use of a
captioned phone. Rebate will be processed within four to six weeks after receiving the completed and
signed Professional Certification Form and Ensemble receipt of purchase.
About Ensemble
What is a captioned phone?
o A captioned phone provides near-real-time captions of what the other person is saying
using a phone display to help those with hearing loss use the phone effectively.
How much is the captioning service?
o ClearCaptions is provided at no cost to qualified users. It is funded, certified and
regulated by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).
What are the features of Ensemble?
o Integrated captioning service provided at no cost to qualified users
o Up to 50 dbs of the best amplification available configurable by the user
o Tone control setting
o 7” touch-screen display
o Built-in answering machine
Besides providing captions on phone calls, is Ensemble an amplified phone?
o Yes. Ensemble provides up to 50 dbs of the best amplification available. Ensemble is
built by Clarity, the market leader in amplified phones. The amplification uses digital
sound processing and multi-band compression to make soft sounds loud and clear while
smoothing out loud sounds.
What makes Ensemble unique as a captioned phone?
o Ensemble is unique because it not only provides the highest-quality captioning service
from ClearCaptions, but is also one of the best amplification phones on the market. It is
the only phone that provides the best captioning and amplification in one solution.
How do the captions work?
o A certified captioning assistant (CA) hears the incoming audio and “revoices” what is
said. ClearCaptions technology converts it into text, which is then sent to your Ensemble
What about privacy?
o ClearCaptions technology is secure and encrypted, ensuring call confidentiality at all
o All ClearCaptions captioning assistants (CAs) are required to complete a rigorous
screening process, and are bonded and subject to a nondisclosure agreement.