Product End-of-Life Notice
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End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco
PIX 515E Security Appliance
announces the end-of-sale and end-of life dates for the Cisco PIX 515E Security Appliance.
The last day to order the affected product(s) is July 28, 2008. Customers with active service
contracts will continue to receive support from the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) as
shown in Table 1 of the EoL bulletin. Table 1 describes the end-of-life milestones, definitions, and
dates for the affected product(s). Table 2 lists the product part numbers affected by this
announcement. For customers with active and paid service and support contracts, support will be
available until the termination date of the contract, even if this date exceeds the Last Date of
Support shown in Table 1.
Cisco PIX Security Appliance customers are encouraged to migrate to Cisco ASA 5500 Series
Adaptive Security Appliances. In addition to providing the same robust firewall and IPsec VPN
capabilities as Cisco PIX Security Appliances, the Cisco ASA 5500 Series offers significantly better
performance and scalability, SSL VPN support, advanced Unified Communications (voice/video)
security, and a modular design that allows customers to add features such as intrusion prevention
(IPS), antivirus, antispam, antiphishing, URL filtering, and more. Migration to the Cisco ASA 5500
Series is straightforward, as consistent management and monitoring interfaces are provided,
allowing customers to take advantage of their knowledge and investment in Cisco PIX Security
Table 1. End-of-Life Milestones and Dates for the Cisco PIX 515E Security Appliance
Milestone Definition Date
End-of-Life Announcement
The date the document that announces the end of sale and end of life
of a product is distributed to the general public.
January 28, 2008
End-of-Sale Date The last date to order the product through Cisco point-of-sale
mechanisms. The product is no longer for sale after this date.
July 28, 2008
Last Ship Date: HW The last-possible ship date that can be requested of Cisco and/or its
contract manufacturers. Actual ship date is dependent on lead time.
October 26, 2008
End of Routine Failure
Analysis Date: HW
The last-possible date a routine failure analysis may be performed to
determine the cause of product failure or defect.
July 28, 2009
End of New Service
Attachment Date: HW
For equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-
support contract, this is the last date to order a new service-and-
support contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing
service-and-support contract.
July 28, 2009
End of Service Contract
Renewal Date: HW
The last date to extend or renew a service contract for the product. October 23, 2012
Last Date of Support: HW The last date to receive service and support for the product. After this
date, all support services for the product are unavailable, and the
product becomes obsolete.
July 27, 2013
HW = Hardware
OS SW = Operating System Software
App. SW = Application Software