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Feature Benefit
New High Density Service Modules
• Enables higher port density and new, high performance services
Support for Optional Redundant Power • Accommodates optional RPS (external for Cisco 3725, internal for Cisco 3745) and minimizes
network downtime
Survivable Remote Site Telephony • Branch offices can leverage centralized call control while cost-effectively providing local
branch backup redundancy for IP Telephony
Online Insertion and Removal-capable
(3745 only)
• Allows network modules to be swapped or serviced with minimal impact to network availability
– Allows servicing of online replacement of RPS
– Online replacement of fan tray
Field-replaceable motherboard, I/O board,
power supplies and fan tray (3745 only)
• High serviceability design
– Additional operations and maintenance flexibility
The Cisco 3700 Series are equipped with two internal slots to support one or two field-installable AIMs. AIMs use function-specific hardware
to off-load the main router CPU and accelerate processor- or resource-intensive services, yielding dramatically higher throughput and higher
performance than a software-only implementation. The AIM slot has access to virtually all of the router’s resources, including the main system
bus. The TDM bus and the serial communications controllers make this a very flexible and powerful feature. Since the AIM is internally
mounted, external slots remain available for integration of other modular components such as CSU/DSUs, WAN interfaces, or other devices
such as modems, or packetized voice/fax processors.
The Data Compression AIM provides a cost-effective option for reducing recurring WAN costs and maximizes the benefit of the advanced
bandwidth management features of the Cisco IOS software. With compression ratios of up to 4:1, each integrated Data Compression AIM
supports 4 T1/E1s of compressed data throughput with one AIM and up to 8 T1/E1 with two AIMs. The Data Compression AIM supports
industry standard LZS and Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC) algorithms and ensures compatibility with all Cisco products
supporting hardware- or software-based compression.
Three combination Voice + ATM AIM modules are available on the Cisco 3700 Series. The AIM-ATM provides asynchronous transfer mode
(ATM) services to the WAN. The AIM-VOICE-30 provides digital signal processor (DSP) services, which can support up to 30 medium-
complexity voice channels. The AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 combines the features from the AIM-ATM and AIM-VOICE-30 modules onto a single
AIM module. These AIM modules supplement the broad portfolio of Cisco voice solutions and allow enterprises and service providers the
flexibility of implementing ATM and voice solutions on the routers. These three Voice and ATM AIM modules provide a cost-effective option
for reducing recurring cost and maximizing the benefits of the advanced bandwidth management features of the Cisco IOS software.
The AIM-ATM offers ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2), and ATM adaptation layer 5 (AAL5) support for low-density T1/E1 data and voice
connections over ATM networks. It supports up to 4 T1/E1 of IMA with a single AIM-ATM, and 8 T1/E1 of IMA with two AIM-ATM’s
(maximum 4 T1/E1 IMA bundle). This AIM module allows service providers and enterprise customers to take advantage of the reliability and
quality of service (QoS) available with ATM connectivity. The AIM-VOICE-30 contains DSPs that can support up to 30 medium-complexity
voice channels when used with the Voice/WAN (VWIC-MFT) interface card. When the AIM-VOICE-30 can be used in a Cisco 3700, for voice
over IP (VoIP) or voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) connectivity while freeing up the network module slot for other applications. The AIM-
ATM-VOICE-30 combines the ATM features of AIM-ATM and voice features of AIM-VOICE-30 in a single AIM.