60203_revB Page 24 of 35
2. Install the upper radiator tube with two 1 3/8” couplers and #24 hose clamps. Connect the open end
of the previously installed 5/8” hose to the upper radiator tube using a hose clamp.
3. Using thread sealant, install the supplied ¼ npt x 3/8” 90º fitting and the 1/8 npt x ¼” 90º fitting into
the bottom of the supplied reservoir so that they will both point towards the front of the vehicle.
4. Install the supplied radiator reservoir onto the two 6mm studs on the driver side fender well. Secure
with the factory nuts removed with the air filter housing.
5. Trim and attach the 3/8” factory radiator surge hose to a 3/8” barbed fitting installed in the bottom of
the reservoir. Attach the supplied ¼” hose to the remaining fitting and leave loose.
6. Install the factory radiator overflow tank cap and the windshield washer cap onto their respective
locations on the reservoir. Clean recessed area with lacquer thinner and apply the supplied sticker.