L E A R N M O R E A B O U T G M C , A N D J O I N T H E D I A L O G U E O N F A C E B O O K ( F A C E B O O K . C O M / G M C )G M C . C O M
At GMC, More is whAt we do. our dediCAtion to enGineerinG exCellenCe
leAds us to ConstAntly exAMine And refine the ideAs thAt help Give you
More CApAbility, power And Control.
for 2011, we Are proud to introduCe the redesiGned GMC sierrA hd,
inCludinG the first-ever denAli hd, our stronGest, sMArtest And Most
powerful sierrA piCkups ever, As well As the first-ever GMC ACAdiA denAli.
these new vehiCles join the leGendAry GMC sierrA And yukon thAt offer
the widest ArrAy of full-size hybrids AvAilAble, And the GMC terrAin,
with best-in-ClAss hiGhwAy fuel eConoMy.
toGether, they show how experienCe And innovAtion CAn overCoMe
CoMproMise. it’s why we never sAy never.
GMC. we Are professionAl GrAde.
EPA-estimated mpg 32 hwy. Based on 2010 GM Compact SUV-Crossover segment.