I'he I)LN series dish,,\ashers (SHe 4022 L£'. SHL
4026 tic and SHU 4036 UC) crone with a Io\_er rack
that has two sets of flipped down tines. Wilh Ihese
models, if more space is needed l_:wr_)ts and pans. Ille
rear two sets of tines can be I+oldcdto the down l_si-
tkm. Figure 5 shows Ihe lower basket with the rear sClS
of tines in the down posdion to a,.'comodate large pots.
Figure 6.
Figure 5.
Silverware should be mixed when placed in the
silverware basket. The purpose of mixing the
silverware is to avoid having them nest together, for
example if spoons would be placed together they
could nest together so that water could not properly
circulate across them to clean the surfaces.
Silverware should be placed in the silverware basket
with the handles down. with the exception of the
knives, which in order to avoid accidentally cutting
oneself, should be placed with the handles up.
If >ou do inadverlemly load the silxerware bw, ket with
lhc knilE blades up it is recommended, to awfid cutting
.,,ourself _hen unloading, that you remove the silverware
ba.,kel from the dishwasher and tip the content_ out onto
a cutting board
The upper rack height of the The DLX series dishwashers
tSttU 4022 UC, Sill' 4026 UC and SHU 4036 UC) is
aditlslablc. There are two po-,itions, see fignl'e 6:
I. Thc upper posili,m is used Io prmidc nlore room [kll"
Ilenlh to be i',laccd illthe lower rack.
2 The hnxer fJoMlinn is u.t:d Io pr.; idc nlorc room Ior
ilClnS to be phlccd ill Ihc upper ra,zk.
"1i, icpnsilion rack:
:l I.ilnl clnply upllcr rack and pull lack parlia]l} out If,
p_finl _ he]c i:lt k cilll hu hllcd tlp_ald as shn_n ill
Ulq_cr ilhlslraliHn ol I:i::,,_." ".
b Pull Iht: lack I,,i\_:lltl and IhCll tip tmlil iollci_ ;uc
uHmpJe!cl} lice HI cllalJhv]n
RCIIIhCll Ihc I_l_t wilh _J:c _mlhcl ,el _1 I'ollcls iiII Ihc
i hHIIItC!
Extra Tall Items
If you have extra tall items that cannot fit in the lower rack
without interfering with the upper spray arm or without
hitting the upper rack, the upper rack may be removed. A
special "Extra Tall Item Sprinkler" is provided with the
dishwasher to allow use of the dishwasher with upper rack
removed. See figure 7.
Figure 7.
To allow washing of extra tall items:
I. With upper rack empty, remove it from the dishwasher
by pulling the rack partially nut t,, the p,,inl where
rack can bc lilied upward and out to disemgage the
wheel'., IYinn side rails