Short commands of voice activation system
Split screen settings*
Destination guidance with intermediate destinations
Repeating a voice instruction {Repeat voice instructions}
Switching off the voice instructions {Switch off voice instructions}
Displaying the address book {Address book}
Displaying the last destinations {Last destinations}
Accessing traffic bulletins {Traffic Info}
Special destinations {Points of interest}
Function Command
Function Command
Displaying the map {Map}
Map facing north {Map facing north}
Map in the direction of travel {Map in direction of travel}
Perspective map {Map perspective view}
Automatic scaling of the map
* {Map with automatic scaling}
Changing the scale {Map scale}
Function Command
Split screen {Switch on splitscreen}
Switching off the split screen {Turn off split screen}
Adapting the split screen {Split screen content}
Split screen current position {Split screen current position}
Split screen map facing north {Split screen map facing north}
Split screen direction of travel {Split screen map in direction of travel}
Split screen perspective {Split screen perspective}
Automatically scaling the split screen {Split screen automatic scaling}
Split screen enlarged intersection zoom {Splitscreen Exit ramp view}
Highlighting split screen traffic info {Split screen, Traffic conditions}
Split screen, computer {Split screen on board info}
Split screen, trip computer {Splitscreen trip computer}
Function Command
Entering a new destination {Enter address}
Trip list {Stored trips}
Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 009 - © 03/10 BMW AGOnline Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 009 - © 03/10 BMW AG