bintec RV120w-4G
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
Layer 2 Functionality
Bridging Support of layer 2 bridging with the possibility of separation of network segment via the
configuration of bridge groups
VLAN Support of up to 32 VLAN (Virtual LAN) for segmentation of the network in independent virtual
segments (workgroups)
Proxy ARP Enables the router to answer ARP requests for hosts, which are accessible via the router. That
enables the remote clients to use an IP address from the local net.
Logging / Monitoring / Reporting
Internal system logging Syslog storage in RAM, display via web-based configuration user interface (http/https), filter for
subsystem, level, message
External system logging Syslog, several syslog server with different syslog level configurable
E-Mail alert Automatic E-Mail alert by definable events
SNMP traps SNMP traps (v1, v2, v3) configurable
IPSec monitoring Display of IPSec tunnel and IPSec statistic; output via web-based configuration user interface
Interfaces monitoring Statistic information of all pysical and logical interfaces (ETH0, ETH1, SSIDx, ...), output via
web-based configuration user interface (http/https)
IP accounting Detailed IP accounting, source, destination, port, interface and packet/bytes counter, transmission
also via syslog protocol to syslog server
RADIUS accounting RADIUS accounting for PPP, PPTP, PPPoE and ISDN dialup connections
Keep Alive Monitoring Control of hosts/connections via ICMP polling
Tracing Detailed traces can be done for different protocols e.g. PPPoE, ... generation local on the device
and remote via DIME Manager
Tracing Traces can be stored in PCAP format, so that import to different open source trace tools (e.g.
wireshark) is possible.
WLAN monitoring Detailed display for radio, VSS, WDS links, bridge links, client links.
WLAN Monitoring Display for each link: MAC address, IP address, TX packets, RX packets, signal strength for all
receiver antennas, signal-to-noise ratio, data rate; output via web-based configuration user
interface (http/https)
Administration / Management
Ignition control By switching the control input "ACC" the devices is switching off automatically after a defined time
period to avoid discharging of the vehicle battery. The time period is definable.
RADIUS Central check of access authorization at one or several RADIUS server, RADIUS (PPP, IPSec
inclusive X-Auth and login authentication)
RADIUS dialout On a RADIUS server configured PPP und IPSec connection can be loaded into the gateway (RADIUS
TACACS+ Support of TACACS+ server for login authentication and for shell comando authorization