Dil ID: 11
Dil Adı: russia
Dil Kodu: ru1tayfun Продукция бренда Baumatic
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The r inse a id di sp enser h as s ix or four set tings. A lways st art with t he dis penser
set o n " 4". If spo ts and poor dryi ng a re a pro ble m, incr ease th e am ount of r inse
aid dispensed by removing the dispenser lid and rotating the dial to "5". If the
d is he s still are not drying pr operl y o r ar e show sp ots, adjust t he di al to th e next
h ighe r le ver u ntil you r dishes are sp ot-f ree . The r ecommended setting is "4".
(Factory val ue is "4" .)
Incr ease the dose if th ere are dr op s of w ate r o r lim e sp ots on t he dish es a fter washing .
Reduce i t i f the re are sticky whitis h sta ins on your di sh es o r a blu ish f il m on g lasswar e o r
knife blades.
during the next wash.
Don' t f orget t o replace t he cap be fore you clo se d is hwa sh er d oor.
Clea n u p any r inse aid spi lled w hile durin g fi lling with a n abso rb ent cl oth t o avoid ex cessive f oam ing
Dete rge nt s w ith its c hemical ingredie nts ar e ne cess ary t o r emove dirt , c rush d irt and t ransport it ou t of the dishw as her.
Most of th e co mme rcial quali ty de terge nt s are sui ta ble fo r t his p ur pose.
Ther e are 3 sor ts of d etergents
1.W ith phos phat e and wi th ch lor ine
2.With phos phate and wit hout c hlorine
3.W ithout p hosphat e an d without chl orine
Based on their chemicalcomposition, detergents can be split in two basic types:
Th e us e of no rmal w ash ing prog rams in c omb ination wi th concent rated de tergents
reducespollution and is good foryour dishes; these wash programs are specificallymatched
to the dirt- diss olving pr ope rti es of the e nzymes of th e co nce ntrat ed d etergent . Fo r this rea son
norm al wa sh p ro grams i n w hich conc entr ated de terge nts are used can ac hieve the sam e
res ult s that can o th er wi se only b e ac hiev ed using i nten sive p rogr ams .
De te rg ent t able ts of differen t brand s disso lve at diffe rent spe eds. For this reason some
det erge nt t ablets ca nnot d issolve an d de velop th eir f ull c lean ing pow er d uring sho rt
pro gra ms. The refore pl ease use lon g progr ams when u sing d eter gent t ablets, to
ensure the completeremoval of detergent residuals.
The dispenser mus t be refill ed before the start of each wash cycle following the instructions
pro vided in the was h cy cle t able . Yo ur dishwash er u ses less detergent an d r inse a id th an
Co nven tion al d ishwash er. Gene rally, on ly o ne ta blespoon of detergent is need ed for
a normal wash load. More heavily soiled items need more detergent.Always add the
det erge nt j ust b efor e st artin g th e dis hwashe r, ot herw ise i t coul d g et d am p and wil l not
dis solv e pr oper ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
conv enti onal, alk al in e d eterg ents with caustic compon en ts
l ow a lkal ine conc entr ated det ergents wi th natura l enzy mes
N ormally new pulv eris ed d etergent is w ithout p hosph at e. T hus t he w ater soft ene r fun ction of
phosp hate is not g iven . In this case we recommend to fi ll sa lt in t he s alt c ontaine r even w hen
th e ha rdn ess o f water is on ly 6 dH. If d eterg ent s wi thout pho sph ate are used in t he c ase of ha rd w ater
of ten whit e sp ots appear o n di shes and gla sses. In th is case ple ase add m or e de tergent to reach
bet ter resu lts. Det ergents with out chlori ne do onl y bl ea ch a little. Str ong and colo ured sp ots w il l not
be removed completely. In this case please choose a program witha higher temperature.