Amount of Detergent to Use
Proper Use ofDetergent
Use o nly deterge nt specif ic all y ma de f or t he us e in d ishwasher s. Ke ep your d et erge nt fr esh and dry.
Don't put pow dered d eter gent i nto the di spenser u ntil y ou're ready to wash dishes.
Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep it out of reach of c hildren.
Alw ays add the d ete rgent j ust b efore start ing each w ash c ycle .
Only use br anded de terg en t aid f or d ishw ash er.
If t he l i d i s closed: pres s re l eas e bu tton. The lid wi ll s pri n g open.
Fi ll the detergen t di spen ser with deterge nt.
The marking indicates the dosing levels , as
illustrated on the right:
The p la ce o f main wash cycle dete rgent pl aced.
The p lace o f pre-wa sh cy cle det ergent pl aced.
Ple ase obs erve the man ufa cturers dosin g an d st orag e
Rec omme nda t ion s as s tated on the d eter gent pac k a gin g .
Close the lid and press until it locks in place.
If the dishesare heavily soiled, place an additional
deterge nt d ose in the pr e-wash d ete rgent ch amber. T his deterge nt w ill ta ke e ffect duri ng th e p re-w ash phas e.
Fill in Detergent
You find infor ma tion abou t th e a mount of d etergen t for the sing le pr ogramm e on t he las t page.
Plea se a ware, th at accor di ng to the le vel s oiling an d th e sp ec ific ha rdn ess of w at er differen ces are pos sible.
Plea se o bserve t he man ufa cturer 's r ecom men dati ons on the de tergent pac kagi ng.