ControlScape ♦ RadioLinx Dialog Boxes
RadioLinx® ControlScape FH User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc. Page 119 of 132
March 16, 2011
8.34 Select Radio Dialog Box - FHE
This dialog box opens when you click the Select Radio button on the Radio
Configuration (page 89) dialog box. Use this dialog box to a assign the correct
Serial Number and IP Address to this radio.
Radio List: This is a list of all the radios that you can assign to the network.
The list is sorted by Radio Serial Number and IP Address.
Select: Choose a radio from the list, and then click the Select button to
assign the selected Serial Number and IP Address to the radio network.
Edit Table: Click this button to open the Edit BootP Table dialog box to add
radios to the list.
Cancel: Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box and discard your