Safety and warranty guide
How to Obtain Warranty Service
If the product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, you
may obtain warranty service by contacting Lenovo or a Lenovo approved Service
Provider. A list of approved Service Providers and their telephone numbers is
available at: consumersupport.lenovo.com.
Warranty service may not be available in all locations and may differ from location
to location. Charges may apply outside a Service Provider’s normal service area.
Contact a local Service Provider for information specific to your location.
Customer Responsibilities for Warranty Service
Before warranty service is provided, you must take the following steps:
• followtheservicerequestproceduresspeciedbytheServiceProvider
• backuporsecureallprogramsanddatacontainedintheproduct
• providetheServiceProviderwithallsystemkeysorpasswords
• providetheServiceProviderwithsufcient,free,andsafeaccesstoyour
facilities to perform service
• removealldata,includingcondentialinformation,proprietaryinformationand
personal information, from the product or, if you are unable to remove any such
information, modify the information to prevent its access by another party or
so that it is not personal data under applicable law. The Service Provider shall
not be responsible for the loss or disclosure of any data, including confidential
information, proprietary information, or personal information, on a product
returned or accessed for warranty service
• removeallfeatures,parts,options,alterations,andattachmentsnotcoveredby
the warranty
• ensurethattheproductorpartisfreeofanylegalrestrictionsthatpreventits
• ifyouarenottheownerofaproductorpart,obtainauthorizationfromthe
owner for the Service Provider to provide warranty service
What Your Service Provider Will Do to Correct Problems
When you contact a Service Provider, you must follow the specified problem
determination and resolution procedures.